Welcome to Create & Babble! My name is Jeanie and I am the “babble” behind Create & Babble. I created this blog out of my passion for creating pretty things and making things pretty!
This has been my place for sharing crafting, sewing, home improvement and home decorating. Now that I’m retired, you’re more likely to find me hiking on trail somewhere, in a campground, or on a pickleball court!
In order to help you get to know a little about me, I am sharing Ten Random Things About Me:
1. I was born in 1958; yes I’m old a baby-boomer.
However, I RARELY act my age : )
2. 2015 was a year of big changes for me: I got married, I quit smoking, I lost a lot of weight, and I became a full time blogger!
3. I wish I had another daughter so I could plan another wedding – just kidding, sorta. That was so much fun!
4. I am left handed.
5. I don’t like amusement parks. That won’t change. But I LOVE the beach! We are only three hours away from our favorite get-away shore town: North Wildwood, NJ
6. I love to ride my bicycle. Long, long rides. In fact, last year, we (my husband, my brother and I) rode our bikes over 360 miles in ten days. We rode from Pittsburgh to Washington, D.C. I wrote about it every day from the trail. Please read about that adventure here.
7. My guilty pleasure: I love watching the Housewives of New Jersey reruns. I know . . .
8. I love summer and detest winter. Spring is good because it’s followed by summer. Fall, eh. I know what’s next so I don’t get all excited about fall. Which is a shame really because it’s such a pretty season. The only good that comes out of winter is Christmas! I love Christmas. Having grandchildren makes it so magical.
9. I collect recipes. I print out recipes all the time. I have pages and pages of recipes that I’ve printed from the internet. It’s crazy ’cause I really don’t like to cook!
10. My mother was a Home Ec teacher and my dad was a shop teacher. Yep, that’s where I get it ; ) – my love for crafting and DIY.

So there you have it. Ten random things that hopefully helped you get to know me a little better. Now it’s your turn! Tell me something random about you!
PS: If you are a brand or PR Rep, please see my PR page here.

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