This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Sears Home Appliances and Services.
If there’s one thing I know, it is NOT how to plan the perfect Christmas family gathering. I just know what works for my crazy family.
All families are different. For example, mine is a blended family. My kids, Dan’s kids, and our grandkids. We consider the grands to be both of ours since they were born since Dan and I have been together. If we could all gather on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day as one big happy family sharing a fabulous Christmas dinner – that would be perfect!
And we all know that life is not perfect.
Since our kids are grown, that means they have spouses and significant others with families. Other families with whom they also want to share the Christmas holiday festivities! And sometimes those families were divided somewhere along the way adding even more families with whom to spend time! You’re getting the picture, right?
Everyone can’t be everywhere at the same time. And in our case, that is probably a good thing! We would have a difficult time fitting everyone in our small townhouse at the same time. But if I could, I would!
And I’d have to have a larger kitchen!
With room for a large, french door style refrigerator. No need to put the soda in a cooler on the deck when you have this big boy!
And this double wall oven would be a must-have in my dream kitchen. No more deciding ham or turkey – I could serve both!
With a warming drawer, too!
The 360° PowerWash Technology of the dishwasher means that this full-coverage, spiral pattern reaches deep into every corner to clean every last dish which also means less cleanup time. More time to spend with family!
All of these appliances are from the Kenmore Pro Line. I recently had the opportunity to visit my local Sears store where an expert walked me through the latest and greatest in the Kenmore PRO line. I was so excited to see these amazing appliances in person and decided right then and there that the French Door Refrigerator has got to be in my kitchen some day!
Which appliance from the Kenmore Pro Line would you love to own?
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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Sears Home Appliances and Services.
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Planning the perfect Christmas family gathering can be stressful. I prefer to check this Auckland Concrete and get more new ideas for pool layers. That’s why we’ve created this handy guide to help you decide on where and when to host your celebration this holiday season.