Do you have a fireplace with a mantel where you hang your Christmas stockings? If you answered yes, I’m a little jealous. I do not. So I’ve had to get a little creative in this house for Christmas stocking hanging. In the past I have used a shelf, my staircase bannister, and even an old ladder.
Here is what I’m doing this year. I made a DIY stocking holder and I absolutely love it! Maybe not quite as much as I would love to have a fireplace and mantel but it’s a close second!
In years past I have hung the stockings on the staircase bannister, on an old ladder, and from a shelf. This DIY Christmas stocking holder has those beat. Take a look:
And it was so so simple to make. I promise. No woodworking skills required. Please head over to the HomeRight site to see all the details and find out how you can make one too!
I am not a fan of painting so when it comes to painting my surfaces to use with Chalk Couture, I do them in batches and always use my HomeRight Super Finish Max paint sprayer . I take all of my boards outside on a nice day and lay them on a tarp. I then fill my paint sprayer 2 paint containers with two different paint colors and paint my boards in no time at all. Clean-up is so easy – I just fill the container with soapy water and spray. So much easier than cleaning expensive brushes and rollers. If I can get out of using a paint brush or roller, I am happy!
I can’t recommend using the HomeRight Super Finish Max paint sprayer enough. Every DIYer needs one in her workshop.
You can decorate your board however you like! Of course I chose to add snowflakes using the Chalk Couture Snowflakes transfer and white Chalkology pastes. But you could use vinyl stickers or paint on the snowflakes by hand. I don’t have that kind of time or talent so I’ll stick with Chalk Couture products. Click here for more fast and easy Christmas projects to make in minutes.
My favorite part of this board is the glass knobs.
I also love the aged, distressed look. Do you?
It looks like I need to make a bigger board!!! How many stockings will you fill this year?
This is really great 5 steps. I Really enjoy to read this article. Thanks for sharing.
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This is absolutely great article. I am a woodworker and i really like your way of work. thanks for sharing with such as great article.
This was exactly what my wife was looking for. We used different pulls, but the idea came from you. We added one additional stocking to our lineup and needed a new way to display them. Thanks for the great article.
I am a woodworker and I really like your way of work. thanks for sharing such a great article. We used different pulls, but the idea came from you. We added one additional stocking to our lineup and needed a new way to display them. I appreciate every bit of your efforts to let us know about Woodworking tools. I really enjoy reading this article. Thanks for sharing.
Back in the day, when my father was working on the renovation of our living room, I get to remember those Christmas stockings in the corner and we just cant wait to hang the up on our Christmas tree as we wait for my dad to finally finish the renovation! Thanks for the article!!
This is amazing. I am also a woodworker, carver and professional logger. It was a article full of information and tips.