There’s a downside to Winter coming to an end. And in my book it’s the ONLY downside ; )
Yep, it means it’s time for Spring Cleaning. I got started last week and I have to admit: I have never really done a thorough spring cleaning in this house. Oh I’ve done some deep cleaning here and there but never a top-to-bottom, room-by-room cleaning like my sisters and I were forced to do every year with my mom. But this year I am determined to give this entire house a good Spring cleaning! I started in my bedroom with the windows.

or this:
. . . but in my defense.
Okay, I have no defense. I just have ignored cleaning these window tracks since . .well . . the beginning of time it looks like.
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How in the holy heck was I going to get this mess clean???? Then I remembered. I remembered that the kind folks at HomeRight sent me one of their steam machines. It’s called the SteamMachine Multi-Purpose Steam Cleaner and that machine is worth it’s weight in gold.
HomeRight also makes those incredible paint sprayers and spray shelters that you’ve seen me use in Facebook videos and in this post where I made the bench using an old headboard.
Let me me show you how it works.
The easy way to clean window tracks with no chemicals!
Step 1 – Fill the machine with water
- Unscrew the cap and follow the instructions on how much water to add to the machine
- replace cap
- plug into wall receptacle
- turn machine on
- wait for yellow light to go out
- when yellow light goes out, machine is ready!
Step 2 – Clean!
Just let the SteamMachine, the steam, wand and assorted nozzles do the work and watch the dirt steam away!
Step 3 – Stand back and admire your clean window tracks!
This literally took just seconds to go from this:
to this:
I can’t recommend this SteamMachine enough.
Disclosure: HomeRight provided me with a SteamMachine but all thoughts and opinions are my own. As always, I only recommend products that I use and love.
There are so many uses for the SteamMachine.
“Get the most out of this chemical free multi-purpose steamer by using the attachments to disinfect and clean floors, stovetops, ovens, kitchen counter tops, bathroom fixtures and barbecue grills. The SteamMachine leaves behind no chemical residue and kills 99% of all germs and bacteria including; e-coli, salmonella, and staph. Use the steam mop to disinfect your hard floor surfaces; such as tile, vinyl and linoleum. The high pressurized steam blasts the surface and the cleaning pad wipes the surface clean. The SteamMachine canister comes equipped with two wheels to move with you as you clean. The SteamMachine uses pressurized, high temperature, steam to loosen and dissolve dirt, grease, grime and kill bacteria.”
While I was at it, I cleaned the window panes too. Now I can check off cleaning the window, window tracks, and door tracks from my Spring Cleaning Checklist!
Have you started your Spring Cleaning yet? Here’s something that may help you. No, I’m not coming to your house to clean. But I will give you a free printable to keep you on track and organized.
This is really informational post you shared, i like the post, thanks for sharing..
Hey, thanks a lot! How do you clean the outside of your house windows?
steamer is a very important device. this post has showed the real importance. if you need more info about steamer you can visit me
Create and Babble is a simple guide that will show you how to easily clean window tracks. This guide will show you how to clean window tracks so that they are free of dirt, dust, and other debris. Quality Builders Brisbane
How to easily clean window tracks on your computer. This simple guide will show you how to remove fingerprints and smudges from windows with ease. Floor Sanding Adelaide
How to Easily Clean Window Tracks -CREATE AND
There are a few things that you can do to help make your windows more easily clean. One is to clean the tracks on the windows using a vacuum cleaner. Another is to use an alcohol-based cleaner. both of which will help to remove dirt, dust, and other debris from the windows. Solar Energy Perth Western Australia
How to easily clean window tracks on a computer. This guide will show you how to clean window tracks on a computer using a simple process. Electrician Redlands
Create and Babble is a family-friendly appliance hacks site. We’ve gathered the top ten most popular family-friendly appliance hacks, so you can make your life easier. From finding the best way to keep your ovens clean to finding the best way to get your dishwasher to work on time, we’ve got you covered. So whether you’re looking for a hacks for your oven, fridge, dishwasher or just some general tips, we’ve got you covered. hunter building inspections>
How to Easily Clean Window Tracks: Take a look at our easy-to-follow instructions on how to clean window tracks quickly and easily. We have tips on how to clean track surfaces, how to clean window frames, and more! electrician joondalup>
How to Easily Clean Window Tracks: Take a look at our easy-to-follow instructions on how to clean window tracks quickly and easily