The second day of our Pedal to Pittsburgh was amazing and so different from the first day. The biggest difference was the weather. Bright, sunny skies and the best part: no wind!!! I felt really good and we kept up a pace of over 10mph the entire 62 miles.
The photos above are of and from the Salisbury Viaduct. It is one of the most distinctive structures on the Great Allegheny Passage. Abandoned for railroad use in the 1980s, it was decked for trail use in 1999. Definitely one of my favorite features on the trail.
We came upon the nicest people on the trail. We met two ladies, one of whom was pushing a baby stroller. I thought that were day-users, just out for a stroll with a grand baby. Turns out they were walking a good portion of the trail, averaging about 10- 15 miles a day! Their gear was in the stroller-not a baby. They said they tried backpacks but found them too heavy to carry. How remarkable and inspiring are these two 60 year old women!
We reached Ohiopyle just as the sun was beginning to set and knew that we had 15 more miles to go until our destination for the night. We rode through the woods as fast as our tired legs could take us and arrived at the Connellsville Bed & Breakast after dark, cold, tired, and in need of a hot bath and bed. What a great day!
Come back tomorrow for day 3
beautiful places i wish i can visit this not be possible on this situation