I know. I don’t usually post many recipes here on Create & Babble. Maybe a some old family favorites cookie recipes and some adult summer beverages like my now-popular Strawberry Banana Pina Colada Recipe. But today is about asparagus. And here’s why: I never like asparagus. Until now I made sautéed asparagus.
What changed? Well the only time I had ever tried asparagus it apparently was boiled and overcooked. I thought for years that it was supposed to be mushy and stringy.
So imagine my surprise when I tried a piece of raw asparagus that was in a crudité platter recently. I loved it! It got me thinking that maybe I would like asparagus as long as it wasn’t overcooked.
Asparagus seems to be very abundant in Lancaster County right now. I know this because every restaurant that we go to has asparagus as the vegetable of the day. And honestly we’re about to get a little tired of it. But not yet ; )
And lucky for me the Amish farm right beside me not only has cute little Amish children playing on the deck, they’ve also got fresh asparagus and fresh strawberries right now.
This is their cute little stand where they sell their fresh produce, jams, cakes, and cookies. The homemade shortcake is out of this world delicious! But I digress. Back to the asparagus.
Maybe everyone already knows how to cook asparagus but just in case any of you are like me and didn’t, here you go! And since I’m not a cook, chef, or cooking expert in any way shape or form, please take this recipe as reading entertainment. ; )
Here’s how I made sautéed asparagus. After cleaning and trimming the asparagus, gather some butter, salt, pepper and minced garlic and sauté it all in a pan over medium heat.
I know. Pretty difficult, right??? ? Keep moving the asparagus and cook until doneness. I like mine to still have a crisp to it.
I let mine cool for just a bit and then add to fresh garden salad. Yummy!
Next, I want to try grilling asparagus. Do any of you grill it? Let me know your recipe or tips to grilling asparagus!
I started a series last year that I never followed through with it. It’s called “In my own backyard” and it has to do with anything related to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. I think I’m going to bring that back.
I’ll try this dish